The AIDS-Hilfe Potsdam e.V. employs three social workers who contribute significantly to the professional and socio-pedagogical work of the association.
- Sabine Frank
Counselling, care and sexual education, coordinator of the Brandenburg Initiative - Together against Aids
Professional Career:
1982 State-approved children's nurse
1989 Health care worker
1991 accredited studies in social work
since 1995 full-time employee of AIDS-Hilfe Potsdam e.V.
How did I come to the AIDS-Hilfe Potsdam e.V.?
I worked in the Mobile Team AIDS of the state of Brandenburg since 1991. In this federal model project, we prepared the AIDS counselling centres for their new activities and built up school prevention work. This project ended in the summer of 1994. Ever since, I couldn't get away from the topic of HIV/Aids. Then, in May 1995, I started working as a social worker for AIDS-Hilfe.
- Hortense Lademann (Sie)
Counselling, care and sexual education
Professional Career:
Studies in social work/social pedagogy (FH)
since 1994 voluntary work at AIDS-Hilfe Potsdam e.V
Employed as a full-time staff member since 1998
How did I come to the AIDS-Hilfe Potsdam e.V.?
The literature about people who lived and live with HIV/AIDS, but also the people with HIV themselves, their relatives and friends aroused my interest in the topic.
- Engin Diri
Project Coordinator MSM Prevention, Public Relations
Professional Career:
2011-2016 Study of Psychology (B.Sc.) at Freie University Berlin
2016 Professional psychology internship at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Charité University Medicine Berlin
2017-2020 Study of Psychology (M.Sc.) at the University of Hamburg
2019-2020 Internship in the gay counselling gGmbH in the counselling team
Since October 2020 at AIDS-Hilfe Potsdam with a focus on men who have sex with men (MSM).
How did I come to the AIDS-Hilfe Potsdam e.V.?
Through my private and professional experiences in the queer community over the last few years, I have become aware that the knowledge about HIV and the prevention options in society often do not correspond to the current state of science. It is also related to avoidance tendencies to deal with the topic. The gaps in knowledge about today's prevention and treatment options often lead to the fact that many men who have sex with men (MSM), among others, do not get tested for HIV or other sexually transmitted infections and thus do not know about the available prevention offers and accept them in time.
With this insight, I developed the motivation to work as a counsellor and project coordinator for MSM at AIDS-Hilfe Potsdam e.V. and to share my knowledge and experience in this field.
- The managing board
The managing board of the association consists of:
René Krüger (Chairperson)
Annette Krause (Human Resources)
Oswald Fischer (Finances)
Tino Ziemann (Public relations)
Contact details: vorstand@aidshilfe-potsdam.de
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