Stance of the AIDS-Hilfe Potsdam
The AIDS-Hilfe Potsdam is committed to ensuring that people, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender, social background, serostatus, disability and other social characteristics, can live equally and have and realize the same health opportunities.
During prevention work, self-determination and a sense of responsibility are strengthened, a non-judgemental approach to different life models and lifestyles is promoted and discrimination, stigmatisation and disadvantage in any form is condemned.
Prevention and further training for various professional groups and interested parties
The AIDS-Hilfe Potsdam e.V. is as a recognised specialised centre for HIV/AIDS and other STI also engaged in sex education and prevention for adults. We act on the assumption that such work should be as diverse as the people we address ourselves to. Therefore, our events are tailored for the respective target group.
The training courses are aimed at interested multipliers and professional groups, e.g.
- Volunteers
- Pedagogical professional groups
- Medical professional groups
- Social professional groups
- Peers
Feel free to contact the AIDS-Hilfe Potsdam with your suggestions regarding a potential cooperation. In a next step, we will work out a specific concept together.
The goals and principles of our education/prevention work are:
- destigmatising
- target group-specific
- age-specific
- voluntarily
- authentic and putting the human being in the centre
- based on the current scientific knowledge
Our offers for:
1. Teachers, educators and pedagogues, other multipliers
Much has been done in the field of HIV/AIDS in recent years without the current knowledge becoming generally known among the general population. With our training courses we would like to convey the current state of knowledge, present our concept on sex education, and contribute to the prevention of discrimination and stigmatization. Additionally, we would like to share knowledge with respective professional groups and demonstrate how to enable appropriate and non-discriminatory interaction with people who are HIV-positive.
2. Trainees/specialists in medical, nursing and social professions
In care and medical fields, professionals meet HIV-positive people in their everyday work. Ignorance, prejudices and certain moral concepts lead to fear of contact and consequently to discrimination. Therefore, we share knowledge in order to provide safety in interactions with HIV-positive clients. Be it during apprenticeships, trainings of specialists, or workshops - we will gladly answer your questions.
Topics and implementation:
"AIDS is not what it used to be"
- Epidemiology
- Current prevention strategies: PrEP, condom use, ART, N=N
- Cycle of reproduction of HIV
- Course of disease
- Medical treatment – ART
- Infectious body fluids
- Conditions of transmission
- Transmission of HIV/Risk of infection
- HIV antibody test
- Safe sex
"HIV - (no) risk?"
- Asking about the interests of the participants
- Basics about HIV/HCV
- Ways of transmission
- Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)
- Psychosocial aspects of HIV/HCV infection
- Hazardous situations at work
"Patients with HIV - no need to panic"
- Basics about HIV
- Hazardous situations at work
- Ways of transmission
- Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)
- Discrimination during care of HIV-infected people
- Queer living environments in ambulatory care
- Current topics/open questions/conclusion
Contact person:
Sabine Frank
Sozialarbeiterin (Diplom)
Koordianatorin der Initiative Brandenburg für Sexuelle Gesundheit und Bildung
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